Thursday, July 23, 2015

How Does It Stack Up?

Hello everybody! It's a wonderfully beautiful day here, and I just ate, so I'm super full right now... It's been awhile since I updated the masses with what I've been up to so let's do it!

It does appear to me that President Obama is trying to do his best to fulfill his promises in the last year of his Presidency. I think he has decided "screw it", and is slowly making progressive steps toward bettering America. I don't have anything terrible to say about him. Like a lot of Presidents, his original intention of doing a great job and making America great quickly simmered as soon as he got into office and realize how fake everything is. Bought government officials, hidden agendas, the military industrial complex that is an unstoppable freight train. America is a dirty dirty country. I love her, but damn is she a mess. She's that good girl you used to know who started hanging around with the wrong people, and is now a broken soulless version of her former self who keeps saying "she's doing alright". Sad shit.

I love politics and social issues on in America. So... the United Nations decided to do a report on the policing going in America, and ultimately concluded that there is a massive problem with justice system.

As I've said before, there are officers who are truly wanting to help society. I applaud them. They do a job I could never do. But, something needs to change. People are now scared to ask for help by the police, especially minorities. Truthfully, I don't blame them.

This is a hot topic for me because of the recent incident in Texas involving a black female and white officer. I do believe the black female was giving the officer a more difficult time than what he needed, but if I was a black male witnessing nothing but bad things around me in my own country, I'd be pissed off too. I don't condemn her actions, nor the officers. Both were in the wrong. Something is fishy about this story though. The dash cam on the cop car had been tampered with, and the whole possible suicide deal is disturbing. I'm not pointing fingers. Just curious as to what really happened.

Work is going well for me. I'm making that money, and everything is going great. School is starting back up again soon, so it'll be interesting to go back there once it starts. Parking will be a pain too... I've put in less hours this time around because I'm focused on working on my video project. I was at a standstill a few days ago because I was freestyling this whole project. I could tell nothing was really coming together, so I decided to do what I needed to do. I made a storyboard. That's helped a ton, Things are really coming together! Here are a few images of what I have so far.

It's about that time... I hope all is well for everyone else. I wish nothing but the best, and please keep enjoying the summer! Get out, and get some sun! Sadly, it's almost August; which means winter is right around the corner. I shall leave all of you with some words of wisdom.

"I'm not claiming divinity. I've never claimed purity of soul. I've never claimed to have the answers to life. I only put out songs and answer questions as honestly as I can... But I still believe in peace, love, and understanding." -John Lennon

Andrew Rose

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