Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Best Is Yet To Come

It has almost been 3 months since I graduated from Purdue University. Scary... That means 3 more til' I gotta start paying back my student loans. Time certainly is running short in that department, along with many other things. A year ago I wasn't really worried about much. I had a year of school left, I had a plan after school ended, and I was entering into a relationship. From experiencing the last year, things do not work out as planned. But, let me tell you all, the best is yet to come.

Frank Sinatra - the original OG

Last week I found out that my current job as the web design/content manager at Purdue University for OFE, MEP, and WIEP, will cease come the end of September. Like most things in life, this is bitter sweet. I'm happy because it gives me complete freedom to focus on me. I have all the time in the world to apply for jobs, add to my portfolio, and experiment in other forms of creation. This makes me extremely happy! But, I'm also saddened by the fact that I will have no income 2 weeks after I'm done. Freelance will have to suffice in the mean time of me figuring out a real big boy job. The people that I've surrounded myself with at work have helped me with so much, and provided me with a multitude of tools for me to excel in life. I really can't thank them all enough. Missing them will be the worst part.

My plan until then is work as many hours as possible. I haven a decent amount of money saved up already just from the past few months. I'm surprised granted that I finished paying off bills, credit card, parts for my car, parts for my computer, supplements, some groceries, and other daily expenses. I've made good progress on my project so far. I'd even go so far as to say I'm 50% done. It has a very unique style to it (in my opinion), and I finally feel like I'm really understanding how to really compose a motion graphics piece. At first I was all about using as many different techniques and visual effects as possible, but I thank Mr. Kanye West (aka God)  for understanding that it's about making variables complement each other. We all know the 'Keep It Simple Stupid', but it's hard to keep that rule in check when creating something. We all want things to be the best, but we can't let it get out of control.  

Life at home is beginning to really wear on me. It could be the feeling of being stuck inside by myself doing work for 8-10 hours a day, but I'm growing irritated. I enjoy going to Purdue to work because it allows me the opportunity to step out and be among people. I just have to keep at it, and not let the vexation get the best of me. 

Collage I made back in High School art class

In brighter news, I saw an on-person footage of an officer refusing to shoot an individual who was running toward him telling the cop to shoot. This one incident made me proud to have this officer in my country. The video does much more justice than me trying to explain it. The officer is from Ohio, and has only been a cop for a year. If it was a more experienced officer, he probably would've shot... This is totally my opinion, but, I think as an officer you're supposed to put everyone else's life ahead of yours. This is the complete opposite of how their trained. They're working for us, the taxpayers. That doesn't give us an excuse to treat them like trash either. Mutual respect and admiration for each other. Anyway, here's the video.

It's that time again. I hope I entertained all of you, and it means a lot to have my thoughts and opinions heard. Keep smiling and working hard, and appreciating the time with those around us. As usual, let's end on a positive fashion.

"I think that we all do heroic things, but hero is not a noun, it's a verb."-Robert Downey, Jr.

Andrew Rose

Thursday, July 23, 2015

How Does It Stack Up?

Hello everybody! It's a wonderfully beautiful day here, and I just ate, so I'm super full right now... It's been awhile since I updated the masses with what I've been up to so let's do it!

It does appear to me that President Obama is trying to do his best to fulfill his promises in the last year of his Presidency. I think he has decided "screw it", and is slowly making progressive steps toward bettering America. I don't have anything terrible to say about him. Like a lot of Presidents, his original intention of doing a great job and making America great quickly simmered as soon as he got into office and realize how fake everything is. Bought government officials, hidden agendas, the military industrial complex that is an unstoppable freight train. America is a dirty dirty country. I love her, but damn is she a mess. She's that good girl you used to know who started hanging around with the wrong people, and is now a broken soulless version of her former self who keeps saying "she's doing alright". Sad shit.

I love politics and social issues on in America. So... the United Nations decided to do a report on the policing going in America, and ultimately concluded that there is a massive problem with justice system.


As I've said before, there are officers who are truly wanting to help society. I applaud them. They do a job I could never do. But, something needs to change. People are now scared to ask for help by the police, especially minorities. Truthfully, I don't blame them.

This is a hot topic for me because of the recent incident in Texas involving a black female and white officer. I do believe the black female was giving the officer a more difficult time than what he needed, but if I was a black male witnessing nothing but bad things around me in my own country, I'd be pissed off too. I don't condemn her actions, nor the officers. Both were in the wrong. Something is fishy about this story though. The dash cam on the cop car had been tampered with, and the whole possible suicide deal is disturbing. I'm not pointing fingers. Just curious as to what really happened.

Work is going well for me. I'm making that money, and everything is going great. School is starting back up again soon, so it'll be interesting to go back there once it starts. Parking will be a pain too... I've put in less hours this time around because I'm focused on working on my video project. I was at a standstill a few days ago because I was freestyling this whole project. I could tell nothing was really coming together, so I decided to do what I needed to do. I made a storyboard. That's helped a ton, Things are really coming together! Here are a few images of what I have so far.

It's about that time... I hope all is well for everyone else. I wish nothing but the best, and please keep enjoying the summer! Get out, and get some sun! Sadly, it's almost August; which means winter is right around the corner. I shall leave all of you with some words of wisdom.

"I'm not claiming divinity. I've never claimed purity of soul. I've never claimed to have the answers to life. I only put out songs and answer questions as honestly as I can... But I still believe in peace, love, and understanding." -John Lennon

Andrew Rose

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


It's already July 15th, and I can't believe summer is almost over. As I've explained, I never saw me being here at my desk, in my room, at my parent's place. So that adds to the disbelief that I'm currently adjusting too. I like to think that I'm taking advantage of this somewhat beautiful weather though. It's been raining a lot... I do my best to go out and get some sun in between work, projects, working out, and friends n' family. Staying busy is helping a ton with the situation I'm in. It's not bad by any means. I just had plans to not be here, and well, here I am... That's enough of that though! I'm happy and doing my best at being BASED (a term Lil' B coined).

I think I'll keep up with the usual format; which means I'm going to give a brief insight of work. Things are good. I'm still getting good hours that I'm happy with. I'm still being challenged with the work I'm given, and I enjoy taking a break of Sharpsville once or twice a week to visit Purdue. Man, am I going to miss my college days... I have a meeting this Friday morning regarding one of the clients. This will probably be one of the last, and maybe THE last meeting we have that deals with how their website will look. I'm anticipating that after the meeting I'll be able to bust out the website in a week or so and have it launch.

Not sure if those who read my blog have noticed, but I uploaded a new video on YouTube of the latest project I was/am working on. I plan to focus on continuing that project tomorrow. I just hope I get it done before the middle of August. I'm really excited for this project. It's been a really long time since I strictly focused on motion graphics. I've been focused on learning compositing and other software that I haven't been able to work on much. Feel free to check out what I made. There are two versions. One is an extended version and the other is a shorter more practical version. What I have posted here is the extended one.

I haven't applied for a job in a week or so. I debated with myself whether or not to work on a portfolio piece, or to keep applying. Obviously, I decided to work on a portfolio piece. After I'm done with the whole project, I plan to hit it hard with the applications. If things still don't seem good after a month or so of focusing on job applications, I plan to work on yet another project. Probably something involving Fusion, Maya, and After Effects. Don't get me wrong though, during that month or so of going H.A.M on applications, I will be learning more about Fusion and hopefully Nuke. At some point too, I'd like to get a copy of Cinema 4D and Houdini. I constantly see those programs listed in skills employers wish to see in candidates. I have a long road ahead of me, but I'm optimistic, and I believe in myself!

Not much else is happening. I plan to see my friend at Ball State again before school starts for him, and three or so weeks from now, I'll hang out with my friends from Purdue again. I see my Sharpsville friends over the weekend usually. I'm taking this opportunity to make money and grow in my career, and as I have said before I'm working out hard again. I've never been taking so many supplements. Here's a list of what I'm taking.

-Whey Protein 
-Creatine (Nitrate Formula)
-Amino Fuel
-Milk Thistle (Liver Support)
-Fish Oil
-Vitamin D3

I'm three weeks in (with the supplements) and I'm definitely seeing and feeling results. Every week I'm getting stronger and I'm able to workout harder and longer. My shoulders look fuller, my chest is becoming firmer and losing the fat I had around it, my butt is actually a butt now (my butt has slowly been getting better for the last few months), my stomach is looking cleaner too. I can't wait til the 8 week cycle is done with LGD. I'll probably lay off of the creatine too for a few weeks and let my body recoup. All in all, I'm more ecstatic than you all can possibly imagine!

Now to conclude this entry, is an excerpt from a book one of my friends is reading. He sent me a picture of it and I'd like to share it.

"What do I think about myself? Am I comfortable with who I am and where I'm going and how I treat other people? Gotta get there first. Need to look in the mirror with a big smile and say, "Yeah, I'm happy with that person, who I am, what I look like, how I get down with my friends."

I'm working hard, learning every day, putting good energy out into the world. "Yeah, that dude in the mirror is okay and he's learning to be better every day."

Get there and the rest is easy."

Andrew Rose


Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Take Care

It's a late Wednesday night and here I am tired and ready to call it a night, but I wanted to share what I've been up to, and what's been on my mind for the millions and millions of my fans!

This past weekend, I worked on a new art project. It's going to be a 30-sec or so video for my brother's business. For two years now I've been telling him that I would make something for his business. For those two years, I always started a month or so right before school started so I always eventually ran out of time. Well, I'm done with school and I need a great portfolio piece, plus, I have a promise to keep. I have the concept in my head for the whole video, but for now I'm working on just the end title sequence where his business and occupation come up. The plan is to tie this up with the main bulk of the video. I'm not going to give anything away but I'm really excited! The end title sequence deal is 65% done, and the other part is 10% completed. I'm thinking it'll take a month to get it all done between focusing on work at Purdue and seeing friends over the weekend. I'm feeling so generous today that I even took a screenshot of what I have. Here it is!

Work at Purdue is going well. I enjoy the people I see when I'm there, and I've learned a ton the past few years. The topic came up last week about possibly extending my time there. I'd be signed on as a "freelance" employee. Nothing is really set in stone, the idea just got tossed around. If it does happen I'd be extremely appreciative because it takes away stress of trying to get money while I'm still looking for a job out of state. I already told my boss that the amount of hours I put in would be cut in half. I'm putting in on average of 30-32 hours a week. I've been using Thursdays and either a Saturday or Sunday as my days for project work and job searching. I know I can't keep up this routine. She seemed very understanding, and my other boss was the same. I've been blessed to have known the individuals that I've been working with. Moving on will be tough, but I have to do it. 

What are my opinions of what's going on in the world and stuff? I've been hearing discussions about police reform in the United States. I think this is much needed. I haven't had any first hand personal problems with cops, but there are a shit ton of reports of cover-ups, officers even abusing canine units, and the fact that almost 600 deaths have been caused on unarmed citizens by police offers JUST IN THIS YEAR! For the longest time I've had a shitty opinion of cops. I know this is wrong. I've been educated and shown by a lovely lady that I need to be thankful that there are people out there risking their lives for all of us. And I do thank them! I don't want to blame this all on them too. Let's face it, for the longest time, the average citizen have had a negative attitude toward officers. This reform in my mind can't just be for cops. It has to be for the public too. Let's treat each other better. Stop the police harassing, and stop the over-aggression toward citizens! 

I also want to chime in quickly about the Presidential election in 2016. I like to consider myself more conservative about most policies except for social issues; which is why it's hard to say that I'm kind of thinking about supporting Bernie Sanders. He's very left, but our country is in need of a change. I don't see real change with any other candidate, and all of them are wall-street and corporate slaves. Maybe I'm crazy, but for years everyone's lives are getting more difficult. I think this is a massive first step in the right direction. Or not...

Personal life wise I've been reflecting about a lot. I look back to a year ago and I remember being more loving toward people in my inner circle and outside of it. I was more confident in myself, much more understanding and caring, and I had a plan. I've been saying this stuff for months. I knew what was missing and what was wrong with me, but I didn't REALLY know. I had a habit of pointing the finger and not understanding the ramifications of my actions. I don't want to get too deep because I still don't really know how I'm feeling. Life has been tough personally for me. I don't quite have my bearings straight. I promise that once I do, I'll share it with all of you. I do have an action plan though.

-Keep up the work with Purdue for as long as I can. Do it until I'm no longer fulfilled with it, or until I absolutely need to leave.

-Keep working on personal projects. Never stop working on something! And add variety to what I'm doing and learning.

-Meditate everyday!

-Keep working out!

-Keep in touch with those I care about!

-Keep applying for jobs.

-Figure out which doors to keep open and which to close.

-Keep loving what I do and those around me!

One day at a time. Keep enjoying the moment even though it has been difficult. That's the key to happiness. It's that time again. I will leave you all with a piece of wisdom from a wise man. He's helped me with so much in my life, and I've never even met the man. Check out his YouTube Channels: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLrI-dOLyDbRnPyUeWadsOg   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0ASolYU_Yh3yShLFQC0stg

"Growing Stronger is about accumulating wisdom, learning from your mistakes, and inspiring others to become The Strongest Version of Themselves" -Elliott Hulse

Oh. Also Check and my brothers website  http://www.rose3d.com/ and blog http://rose3d.com/blog/

Andrew Rose

P.S. Sorry for  my shitty grammar. I'm really tired, plus, I'm not that great at writing either.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

What A Ridiculous Human Being

Just in case I don't update the blog this weekend I'd like to say happy July 4th to all of my fellow Americans! I wish nothing but the best for everyone! And please remember be safe and look out for your buddies and everyone else that you surround yourself with.

Well, since I brought up America, I'll briefly share my opinions of what has been going on recently in the country. First off is gay marriage. Congratulations to all of those who have been seeking this equality. This is a huge step for our country, and it gives hope that we are becoming more progressive with social issues. One thing I'd like to see change about this topic is the constant bombardment of gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transexual stories in the media. Like, c'mon... Let's move past this as a society. I kind of feel like this is being shoved down my throat (no pun intended). I know it'll take time though. Again, congrats!

Next, is the "stars n bars". As someone who is proudly born in North Carolina, and lived there for roughly six years, and has constantly visited family down in South Carolina for almost every year, I like to think I have a pretty good perspective on this. From my understanding and personal research, the rebel flag isn't about racism. Yes, the main issue of the Civil War was slavery, but it also involved the issue of individual state rights; while the south wanted more state separation, the north was more aligned with the opposite standpoint. Oh. And Abraham Lincoln wasn't the hero society has shaped. I'm not going to get into it, but he certainly had a dark side. So, the rebel flag was never the "official" flag of the confederate. It was used during battle, but it was never adopted.

When it became a "modern day" race issue in my eyes, was when the KKK made the flag popular. Of course, the trend continued into the early 20th century until the civil rights movement, and yes even into today. BUT, I must say from my personal experience being down south and seeing that culture, the majority of southerns who display this flag ARE NOT racists. As crazy as it sounds, it is a display of southern pride. That's not to say that some individuals do display it in a negative fashion. Most people will never understand, and most Americans view the south as a dirty and uneducated area of the country. This is evident in media, film and television, and normal everyday conversation. This causes southerners to come together and support each other. What's one of the easiest way for a group of individuals to come together as one. A flag.

What should we do as a culture to understand and fix this issue? First. The best bet is to probably take the flag down from governmental buildings. Second. Come to understand where southerners are coming from, and to not just jump to "It's Racists!". Southerners should also come to understand where the rest of the country is coming from. Let's educate each other. I know we can come to a compromise.

What have I been doing for the past week or so? I went to visit a friend at Ball State this past weekend. It was great seeing him and I had a great time. Nothing too crazy happened, just a good time with a few friends. I've been filling out job applications. I've already received two rejection emails... It's all good though. I'm planning on focusing on personal projects for the next few weeks to build up my portfolio. I've applied to fifteen or so places, and I have a crazy urge to create something amazing.

I've also been working hard at my current job. I've been putting in a lot of hours and it's paying off. I'm finally building up some money! There are a few things I need to buy for my car and my computer, but nothing too serious, yet. Overall I can't complain. Sure I'm tired and exhausted and in need of a change up, but I'm doing what I can right now.

Throughout all of this time I'm spending on job applications, putting hours into work, and visiting friends, I'm also working my ass off in the gym. It's been forever since I've had this kind of motivation. I wasn't frail or thin, but I just wasn't feeling strong. I'm in the gym three days a week, and then I switch up to cardio one-two days a week.

Wow...that was a long ass entry. Like usual, I like to end these entries with something positive. As I'm writing this I'm listening to Drake. Yes...Drake...

 “You know life is what we make it, and a chance is like a picture, it’d be nice if you just take it.” -Drake
Andrew Rose