Saturday, August 8, 2015

Just Bring It

It's Saturday evening and I just got done getting hours in for work. I wanted to get extra hours in because I worked on a project of mine for a couple days this past week. I'm definitely looking forward to taking the rest of the evening off and relaxing. I need a break to recoup, but once morning comes I'll be getting back to the "ol' salt mines".

I tuned to the GOP debate but I began watching late because I had streaming issues. I managed to watch the last hour and a half or so, but I need to state I was also working on my project as I was watching. I came in with a completely open mind. I was actually wanting to have a few candidates to catch my eye. As much as I've brought up Bernie Sanders, I'm conservative fiscally and I think small government is better than big government. I wasn't too impressed with many of the candidates. Rand Paul is the one I'm rooting for. I adore the libertarian attitude. His tax cuts scare me because tax cuts generally benefit the rich more than the middle and lower class. His answer regarding businesses denying gay individuals didn't make me happy. The Republican party needs to just get over the "gay" thing. If you don't like it, fine, but it has no place in politics. At the end of the day they're people and they deserve the same rights as anyone else. Getting a marriage license from the state is not affiliated with any religion, but if a religious institution wants to deny a gay couple from getting married, the institution has the right to do so.

Donald Trump was honest. I really like that about him. He came out and said he takes advantage of the system and so does every other rich person. And, he shared how the whole donating to a politics is a dirty system: which added more respect for him in my point of view. He isn't fit to be President though. Bush didn't do well, but I also didn't really catch much of him, and Rubio seems fake. He speaks well and he says the right things but I can't trust him. Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee are nuts. They're all about force and demanding respect. The whole God talk seemed weird. Like, really? We're gonna talk about God for twenty minutes and everyone is going to say how much they try to live through God, and then switch it up and talk about expanding the military and blowing up the Middle East. The whole party is just a mess and disconnected, it's a shame. For the nation to be strong, both main parties need to be great and innovative. So far, we don't have that from the right.

I was experimenting with different art styles at this point.

Not much is happening regarding work. I'm doing my best to save up money before I leave my position. I have a good sum of money in my Acorns app; which is an application that automatically invests money for the user. There are different "portfolios" available that can determine the riskiness of your investments. I've lost a few bucks because the markets are weak. Obviously, the U.S. isn't doing well economically and the Greece financial woes and China's struggles are impeding on the market. I'm optimistic and confident that the markets will bounce back at the end of the year.

I've been working on a project for my brother for the past month and a half. It's almost done, I swear! When it's done I'll send it to my brother, who will make suggestions and supply me with his feedback. After that I'm expecting another week of edits and then It'll be done, unless he absolutely hates it. I'll end up posting it either way if he does. I've upgraded my computer with 8GBs more of RAM. It's definitely added much needed speed to my work. I bought a SSD drive as well, but I haven't installed it yet. After it's installed my computer should hold me over until I do a major upgrade in about two years. I may look into getting a new GPU at some point too.

I'm 7 weeks in to my LGD cycle. I have this week and the next. I see and feel the benefits. I didn't weigh myself right before I started using it but I was roughly 185lbs. I weight myself at my friend's house with a good scale, and it said I was 205.6. Week 8 I'll be maxing out my lifts for bench press, power cleans, squats, and deadlifts. My goals for the lifts are as followed: 275lbs (bench press), 225lbs (power cleans), 300lbs (squat), 385lbs (deadlift).

I wanted to quickly cover my short-term plan for work n' stuff. After I'm done with the current project, I'll be applying to studios and companies for a solid month. I'll find time to do "weekly projects". It'll be simple animations, composites, or something. I'll also be applying for freelance jobs to help keep me above water after I move-on from Purdue. The rest will fall into place. I just gotta keep going.

Growing up I watched a lot of wrestling. My favorite wrestler was The Rock (Dwayne Johnson). I remember how cool he was, and the attitude he displayed each and every night. We also share the same birthday! He's full of positive messages, here's one.

"When you walk up to opportunity's door, don't knock, kick that bitch in and introduce yourself." - Dwayne Johnson

Andrew Rose

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